Tough love, focus on reality, that failure is a part of the process to victory, that they need someone who’ll tell them they have a booger on their shirt, that basic, old school business wisdom, character, planning and preparation are the safest and fastest way forward. Shortcuts and longcuts are danger. That the most important factor is whether they believe they can and will maintain the commitment and resourcefulness to match their faith. That although they may like working alone, it’s safer with wise council and eventually, they’ll have to deal with and work with other people if they want to own a real business that they work on, not in.
Opposite of what 95% of internet or local marketers are telling them. Those folks are smart, they are selling food, lodging and equipment at the gold rush of life and making more money than those running the businesses they supply in most cases. So, flip the script, accept that short cuts, cutting edge tactics and big talk aren’t of any use when you don’t have the basics. If they wan’t to be REAL business owners that last the test of time, it’s time to invest in themselves, character development, basics of business, execute well with said basics then grow from there. They need what everything we build needs…a good foundation and they won’t get it following the spin masters and sneak oil folks.
Some will be turned off by the shooting straight, but the ones that are truthful with themselves and really want it, deep down they know when it’s said, that the shortcuts aren’t the smart way and I trust once they experience the truth, good solid basic business teaching, live group coaching & a community of others that want to be real business owners…they’ll see it for the treasure it is and commit long enough to see if their gut is right and they’ve really struck gold in these hills, gold that will bless them and their families for generations!
$97, but $47 for now to beta test new site: 3 Modules of 5 lessons each, dripped out over first 3 weeks, 4th week is group coaching webinar as “taste and see” to then offer group coaching…